Monday, November 15, 2010

Children Blowing In The Wind

I just saw a Good Morning America piece saying that 10% of child beauty pageant contestants are now boys who get their nails done & put on make up. They've been doing it since they were babies, but the mothers claim it's their choice. "Let them choose what they want to become."

Do we build cars without steering wheels or ships without rudders, or planes without yokes? That would be ridiculous! There would be no way to determine their course, and tragic things could happen as a result. So why do we think we can send children into the world with no covering and guidance to let them "discover" who they are, and think the results will not be just as disastrous?

NO! We have a responsibility as parents to teach, correct, guide, protect and advise our children into the right paths of morality, so that when they are older they will not make choices to damage their own life or the lives of others. God charges Moses with these words, and they are a charge to us, too:

Deuteronomy 4:9 (New International Version) - Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.

Deuteronomy 11:19 (New International Version) - Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

It's no secret that there has and always will be an assault on children to sway them over to the ways of evil. I do think however that the tactics have become more subtle and harder to detect. We protect our kids from the cold in the winter by wrapping them up in coats, gloves and hats, or put sunscreen on them in the summer time to prevent sunburn. We even warn them to look both ways before crossing the street to keep them from getting hit by a car, and we caution them to never talk to strangers.

All of this is great advice and is necessary, but so often we are oblivious to the undertow of evil influences that are pulling against our children's minds and hearts. These are even more lethal, because they have the ability to shape their thinking and emotions, which in turn determines the course of their future and the future of others around them.

Why wouldn't Satan attack the very epicenter of our humanity and our ability to connect with our Creator and Savior? It's by the renewing our minds through Christ that we are transformed (Romans 12:1), and by staying our minds on Christ that we find our peace (Isaiah 26:3 & Psalm 46:10).

It's out of our thinking that our emotions flow, and from our emotions that actions are made. If that process can be derailed or altered, then we loose connection with the source of life - Jesus. Here's what Paul had to say about the intentions of false teachers in his day. I think these words still apply to all the self-proclaimed experts who parade themselves in front of us through every communication medium imaginable hoping to win a few converts to their misguided theories:

Galatians 4:17 (New International Version) -

Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you from us, so that you may have zeal for them.

2 Peter 2:3 (New International Version) - In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

2 Peter 2:18 (New International Version) - For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.

As believers, we not only have to guard our own hearts, but also the hearts of our children. This has never been more apparent than when you read through the books of 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles, and see the pattern of good king bad king. Bad kings produced good kings, because the sons found a way to connect with God in spite of the lack of good modeling from their fathers. That seems fairly obvious.

However, why did good kings produce sons who became bad kings? I believe it's because they did not do a good job of modeling their godliness and character to their sons in a personal way, so the sons disconnected from not only their earthly fathers, but their Heavenly father, and instead found other influences to guide them in wickedness. Our children and our spouse need to see us walking with God - reading our Bible instead of watching ESPN, praying instead of looking at Facebook, meditating and listening to the Holy Spirit instead of setting our fantasy sports line up, listening to worship music and praising God with our tongue instead of cursing at the traffic in front of us, etc. We have to model righteousness in tangible everyday actions if we expect our family to catch on and follow God.

As a father and a husband I feel it's my job to make myself a wall between the influences of the world and my wife and children. They have been give to me as a gift from God, and I take my responsibility extremely seriously.

I make it my job to be tapped into the thinking and emotions of my wife and children; to understand what's going on in their hearts and at any given moment. I listen to the Holy Spirit and ask for wisdom and discernment over all the influences that are coming into my home through - books, TV, movies, radio, music, the Internet, school, friends, etc. I want to head anything off before it gets a head of steam, breaches God's wall of protection around us and tries to grab a foothold in their hearts or mine.

Instead of "being shaped" by all that blows over us through external influences or tries to drag us away with deceptive undertows, we aggressively pursue God, His ways, His word, His Spirit, so that we are shaped only by Him. In this way, when the world (by world, I mean the evil systems of our adversary) pushes against us, not only will we not be pushed over, but instead WE WILL PUSH BACK (1 John 5:4, Matthew 16:33).

For too long the church has taken a passive and defensive stance against the devil and the ways of the world, but God has not called us to just stand and take it on the chin and wait for His return. No, he expects us to go after the devil to fight against evil, to advance against the kingdom of darkness, push it back behind it gates, and not stop there, but to tear down even the gates (Matt. 16:18). In the same way that king David when he was a shepherd did not not wait for the lions or bears to come back and attack, but instead he pursued them into the darkness (1 Sam 17:35), so must we as husbands and fathers pursue our enemy and route him instead of standing flatfooted and ignorant of where the next attack is coming from.

I will not abandon my children to the wind of the world, but instead guide them in God, so they can be influencers in the ways of goodness, righteousness and holiness.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Live By Faith


© 2001 Words and Music by Stephen Verner

Verse 1:

I hear an anthem rising from the nations,

It's a prayer reaching up for salvation.

It's a call to God, a cry for help;

As people long for something stronger than themselves


Oh the righteous shall live by faith,

Yeah the righteous shall live by faith.

Oh the righteous shall live, righteous shall live, righteous shall live by faith.

Verse 2:

I hear a call coming from the people,

As they gather in a building with a steeple.

It's a call to God, a cry for grace;

As (Christians) God's people long to stand tall in the human race.


Oh the righteous shall live by faith,

Yeah the righteous shall live by faith.

Oh the righteous shall live, righteous shall live, righteous shall live by faith.


I'm gonna live by faith, I'm gonna live by faith.

I'm gonna live by faith, I'm gonna live by faith.

Trusting in the only one I could ever need.


Oh the righteous shall live by faith,

Yeah the righteous shall live by faith.

Oh the righteous shall live, righteous shall live, righteous shall live by faith.


I'm gonna live by faith, so I can love by faith.

I'm gonna walk the faith, and not just talk the faith.

I'm gonna pray by faith, because you save by faith.

I'm gonna live by faith.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Let Your Love Flow

© Words by Stephen Verner - Friday 11/6/2009 4:43pm


Verse 1:

I’m the river bed, and you’re the river.

You smooth out my rough edges, and I give your love a safe place to flow.


So let your love go. Let your love flow –

Over me, Over me.

It’s changing me, in ways I can’t see;

And I know, it’s not just for show.

So let your love flow – over me, over me.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wonder Of Your Grace


© Words by Stephen Verner - Wed. 8/29/01 – 2:54pm

Verse 1:

Just like Adam and Eve,

I’ve pulled the apple from the tree.

I thought it would taste so sweet.

Instead I found sin’s (its) bitterness.

Now I long for tenderness,

That only You can give.


I’ve walked my own way,

Said the wrong thing.

Oh, how could I forget?

I want the Lord’s way.

It’s a new day.

Don’t know how I got this far,

Without knowing who you are.

But here I stand amazed,

At the wonder of Your grace.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Love Song To You


© Words by Stephen Verner - Wed. 9/3/08 10:06pm


The world and all its trinkets can’t compare to you.

For you see me through and through, and yet you love me.

For too long I have chased other lovers, real or imaginary,

But none could give me what I find in Your sanctuary.


Now I am content.

In you all my needs are met.

So how could I forget,

To sing my love song to you?

Song Of The Nations


© Words by Stephen D. Verner - Thursday, January 14, 2010 – 9:00am-9:40am


From different places in many nations,

With different faces from all the races,

We all join together in God’s song;

To love what’s right, and hate what’s wrong.

Come fill our hearts God with your light,

So we can love LIKE You and not by sight.


Fill us up Lord, Fill us up!

Fill us up Lord, with Your Love!

Fill our hearts Lord with Your fire!

Let our lives burn with desire!

For the nations, we cry to You!

Let them know Lord, You are True! OR Let our hunger be for Your Truth!


From all the tones and shades, hues and colors,

You have called us together as sisters and brothers.

We all join together in God’s song;

To lift up the weak and make them strong.

Come fill our hearts Lord with Your revelation,

So we can take it to every nation.


Fill us up Lord, Fill us up!

Fill us up Lord, with Your Love!

Fill our hearts Lord with Your fire!

Let our lives burn with desire!

For the nations, we cry to You!

Let them know Lord, You are True! OR Let our hunger be for Your Truth!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reach Out & Touch Someone

Have you ever been desperate for anything? I know I have been before. There's something about people in a desperate state; they don't give a rip what people think of them. Jesus came across many people who were desperate. On one such occasion, Jesus encountered this scenario:

Mark 1:40-41

40A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean."

41Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" 42Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.

Leprosy? Yuck! How could you touch someone with a disease like leprosy? Just to emphasize the gross factor of the disease a little, here are some facts about it.

Its symptoms start in the skin and peripheral nervous system (outside the brain and spinal cord), then spread to other parts, such as the hands, feet, face, and earlobes. Patients with leprosy experience disfigurement of the skin and bones, twisting of the limbs, and curling of the fingers to form the characteristic claw hand. Facial changes include thickening of the outer ear and collapsing of the nose.

Jesus freely touched people with leprosy. While people with leprosy traditionally suffered banishment from family and neighbors, Jesus broke from the tradition. He treated lepers with compassion, touching and healing them. - From an article entitled " Biblical Leprosy: Shedding Light on the Disease that Shuns by Dr. Alan Gillen, a biology professor at Liberty University as found on

Jesus reached beyond the social norm, and touched lepers anyway, regardless of their disfigurement or social stigma. So it begs the questions who has God placed in your path that you've deemed "untouchable"?

It's time for all of us who call ourselves Christian to start following the pattern of Christ in a very visible and tangible way, so that others who are searching will see more than just a 1 day a week religion.

What are we afraid of? Once we were untouchable, unlovable because of our sin. Thank you God that you sent Jesus to touch and love me anyway! It's time to touch the untouchables.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Manifesto To Hell

Written Thursday 7-15-10
To all the demons in hell and their leader Lucifer,

For far too long you have manipulated me, using my mind as the garden to grow your evil schemes, using my spirit to express your wicked emotions and using my body to carry out your bidding.

You've tempted me, lied to me, tricked me, sold me down the river, blinded me to the truth, isolated me, given me a gang beat down and left me for dead. Every time my Saviour Jesus has rescued me, cleaned me up and put me back on the straight and narrow, only to watch me fall again and again.

Tonight, I am happy to inform you that because of your treachery, we can no longer be friends (as if we ever were). You see, as you've probably known all along my Father, God has a better plan for me, and I've bought into it hook, line and sinker. Every time I sold Jesus out, betrayed him, lied to him, walked out on him, broke my promises to him, pledged my whole-hearted allegiance only to 180. He decided that I was worth saving.

Can you believe that a lying, cheating, adulterating, bitter, angry, mistrustful, unreliable, selfish human being like me could and has been chosen to proclaim his name as a missionary? If I were God, never in a million years, would I have picked me for the job.

However, now that it's mine, I want to tell you Satan, that I'm coming after you with every fiber in my being. I refuse to be some weak, push over Christian who falls for your schemes. If you knock me down, it only strengthens my resolve. Inside me lives a Rocky heart waiting to kick you all the way back to hell.

I'm not afraid of you, because I have a kamikaze attitude. So you can sit behind your walls, but I'm telling you they are gonna fall. I'm the lead man on the battering ram to hell. I'm gonna be the first one through when the wall breaks. I'm gonna knock down your gates with the Prince of Heaven as my lead. I'm stealing back the souls of Man, giving them back, never to be taken back again.

I refuse to sit back in my comfortable Christian bubble, lulled to sleep by silver-tongued preachers who promise my "best life now." I'm a casino better who's laying it all on the table, for I count my life as lost for the sake of God and the advancement of his kingdom. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I'm coming to expose your lies with the truth of God's word and rescue all who are willing to hear, and to those who turn a deaf ear now; I am raising my son and daughter to take my place when I am gone.

I've been marked by heaven for this task, and I don't know why, but I guess there's nothing else to say but goodbye.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Not Just Another Hand Out

Last Tuesday (6-15-10), I got to thinking about how people go about helping other people, and the reasons and ways that they do it. Here's the epiphany like conclusion that I came to...

I think too much "ministry" is done with a hand "down" instead of a hand "out". The sad thing is most of us are not even aware of the difference and why it matters. It's subtle, but so important.

A hand "down" puts the helper in a position of arrogance, and the one being helped in a position of unspoken judgement and condemnation. A hand "out" puts both the helper and the helped on level ground before God; with the helper showing humility and the helped feeling a sense of acceptance that can only be a product of the grace of God being modeled to them in the moment they needed it the most.

The world doesn't need to see us as perfect. That's unattainable in their eyes; a goal that only brings more shame and unworthiness. However they need to see us being perfected by the Perfect One; the grace of God in motion. Now a life being changed from the inside out is something that's incredibly attractive to a lost and dying world.

When we approach people with humility instead of arrogance, we open lines of communication like never before.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It's been 3 days since my feet touched back on American soil, but my head is still spinning. Better yet, my heart is still longing for the place and people that I just left. Brandy and I spent April 1-11 in northern Italy. No not for vacation, but for a surveying of the walls. We wanted to see Italy first hand - observe the spiritual climate, see the good work that missionaries are engaged in, and then ask God to show us where we might serve him best advancing his kingdom in the hearts of Italians.

We traveled about 10,000 miles by plane, train, bus, car and yes by foot from the extreme northeast corner in Trieste on the Slovenian border, through 9 other cities before we flew out of Rome last Sunday. It's hard to put into words all that we saw and experienced in the last week and a half.

Italy was in many ways everything we anticipated it would be, and nothing at all what we thought all at the same time. We expected indifference to the gospel, the exultation of Mary, good food, breath taking landscapes, warm & friendly people, etc. In these ways our expectations were on the mark. However, in every way we were taken back at the level to which all those things came to life.

There's so much work to be done in Italy, especially in the north to bring the gospel forward to Italians. Many of the missionaries we met have been on the field 15-almost 30 years. They have labored hard and brought forth fruit that remains. They in essence have been the battering ram against the gates of hell. Progress has been slow, but sure. The battle has given them scars, but their hearts are steadfast, and full of renewed hope as they see new missionaries such as us being raised up to carry the gospel forward to the next generation.

There's a palpable sense that God is stirring more in the hearts and minds of Italians. The missionary work in Italy of the last 20-30 years is equivalent to taking ground from the Nazis on the beaches of Normandy. The landing had great costs, and the progress was sometimes slow, but the result was ultimately the beginning of a surge and momentum shift for the Allies that ultimately spelled demise for Hitler.

The walls that have long held back the gospel from penetrating are breaching now. Thank you God for those who have gone before us. The success we will see and experience is a direct result of their faithful service.

Since our visit to Italy we feel a greater focus to the ministry that God has called us to, and a greater sense of urgency to get there and get started. Once we are through the 1st year that will be spent in the University for Foreigners in Perugia learning the language and culture, we would like to intern and eventually begin our ministry in a suburb of Bologna, a city of over 500,000 and home to the oldest university in the world. The university has over 90,000 students, and many people move to nearby towns to live and commute to work in Bologna. This is a growing area with far reaching influence not just in Italy, but all over Europe.

The evangelistic ministry areas we would like to engage in will include sports ministry through baseball, soccer, etc., as well as media training in audio, video as well as music. We will lead small group Bible studies and engage in 1 on 1 discipleship, too. Teaching English is a huge need and desire of most Italians, so much of our ministry efforts will include teaching English. As always, all of our efforts will be to lead Italians to a relationship with Jesus, involvement in a local evangelical church and training and discipleship that will prepare them for leadership in those churches.

Some of you may of thought that up until this point that I am crazy, maybe not even that serious about going, or maybe your looking at me and saying well you don't have a seminary degree, you've never preached, and so on and so on.

You are all right. I AM CRAZY. I could serve in my position and enjoy the blessings of a great church, but I would be ignoring the call of God. I AM SERIOUS. This call to foreign missions came in 2002, was defined in 2008, has been pursued faithfully through prayer, fasting, seeking of wisdom from godly advisers in authority over us who have confirmed the call and giftings necessary for service in long term overseas missions. Yes, I don't have a degree in theology, (one day I hope to get one), but more importantly, I have 29 years of growing and learning and walking with the Holy Spirit, engaging in ministry and Bible study and know that that is more than most Italians have seen or heard in a thousand lifetimes.

Maybe I can't draw a crowd, but that's okay with me. Jesus can draw them for me. Maybe I can't get people to follow me, but that's okay with me. Jesus can make them follow Him. Maybe I can't do a lot of things, but I know how to make disciples, and for now that's the last commandment I remember getting from Jesus before he left the Earth. So I guess I'll just keep doing that until He gives me something better to do.

We may be the first out of the Victory staff and congregation to commit to full time missions work in Europe, but we don't want to be the last. We hope that our pioneering spirit and obedience to God will inspire others around us to follow the call He has for them. We pray that God will call out others from among us to missions.

Ciao for now!