Written Thursday 7-15-10
To all the demons in hell and their leader Lucifer,
For far too long you have manipulated me, using my mind as the garden to grow your evil schemes, using my spirit to express your wicked emotions and using my body to carry out your bidding.
You've tempted me, lied to me, tricked me, sold me down the river, blinded me to the truth, isolated me, given me a gang beat down and left me for dead. Every time my Saviour Jesus has rescued me, cleaned me up and put me back on the straight and narrow, only to watch me fall again and again.
Tonight, I am happy to inform you that because of your treachery, we can no longer be friends (as if we ever were). You see, as you've probably known all along my Father, God has a better plan for me, and I've bought into it hook, line and sinker. Every time I sold Jesus out, betrayed him, lied to him, walked out on him, broke my promises to him, pledged my whole-hearted allegiance only to 180. He decided that I was worth saving.
Can you believe that a lying, cheating, adulterating, bitter, angry, mistrustful, unreliable, selfish human being like me could and has been chosen to proclaim his name as a missionary? If I were God, never in a million years, would I have picked me for the job.
However, now that it's mine, I want to tell you Satan, that I'm coming after you with every fiber in my being. I refuse to be some weak, push over Christian who falls for your schemes. If you knock me down, it only strengthens my resolve. Inside me lives a Rocky heart waiting to kick you all the way back to hell.
I'm not afraid of you, because I have a kamikaze attitude. So you can sit behind your walls, but I'm telling you they are gonna fall. I'm the lead man on the battering ram to hell. I'm gonna be the first one through when the wall breaks. I'm gonna knock down your gates with the Prince of Heaven as my lead. I'm stealing back the souls of Man, giving them back, never to be taken back again.
I refuse to sit back in my comfortable Christian bubble, lulled to sleep by silver-tongued preachers who promise my "best life now." I'm a casino better who's laying it all on the table, for I count my life as lost for the sake of God and the advancement of his kingdom. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I'm coming to expose your lies with the truth of God's word and rescue all who are willing to hear, and to those who turn a deaf ear now; I am raising my son and daughter to take my place when I am gone.
I've been marked by heaven for this task, and I don't know why, but I guess there's nothing else to say but goodbye.
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